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All Lamborghini models will be electrified by 2024; Aventador replacement coming this year

Shaun · May 19, 2021 11:25 AM

All Lamborghini models will be electrified by 2024; Aventador replacement coming this year 01

Stephan Winkelmann, President and CEO of Automobili Lamborghini, has revealed a roadmap of the company and future Lamborghini models with sustainability in mind. You know what this means – electrification.

All Lamborghini models will be electrified by 2024; Aventador replacement coming this year 02

Named “Direzione Cor Tauri” (Towards Cor Tauri), the roadmap comprises of three phases:

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  1. Celebrating the combustion engine (2021-2022)
  2. Hybrid transition (by the end of 2024): in 2023 Lamborghini will launch its first hybrid series production car, and by the end of 2024 the entire range will be electrified
  3. First fully-electric Lamborghini (second half of the decade)

All Lamborghini models will be electrified by 2024; Aventador replacement coming this year 01

The first phase will see the development of combustion engines for versions that pay homage to the brand’s history and products from past to present. It’s also stated that two new cars in the V12 model line-up will be announced in 2021.

All Lamborghini models will be electrified by 2024; Aventador replacement coming this year 02

One of them is likely the replacement for the Lamborghini Aventador, which is a decade old now. In a report by Car and Driver, Winkelmann said, “The follow-up to the Aventador will still be a V-12, so the sound issue is not going to be something we need to take care of because the engine will still be there, and it will have the right sound.”

All Lamborghini models will be electrified by 2024; Aventador replacement coming this year 03

The second phase is when Lamborghini will launch its first hybrid series production car (the Lamborghini Sián was a limited-production run car). This transition is said to be the largest investment in Lamborghini history, over 1.5 billion Euros allocated over four years.

All Lamborghini models will be electrified by 2024; Aventador replacement coming this year 04

And finally, the third phase will see the company launching its first-ever EV. If you’ve been keeping tabs, this will be the fourth new model in the roadmap. Winkelmann told Autocar that the EV will likely be a 2-door car with 4 seats, basically a GT car. As for the EV powertrain, Lamborghini is expected to use the EV technology shared with Audi and Porsche.

All Lamborghini models will be electrified by 2024; Aventador replacement coming this year 05

Well, the world has been saying electric is the future for a while now. And Lamborghini is backing that statement.


Senior Writer

The quest for automotive knowledge began as soon as the earliest memories. Various sources information, even questionable ones, have been explored including video games, television, magazines, or even internet forums. Still stuck in that rabbit hole.

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